Informational Background

SCAHAM (South Carolina Association of Healthcare Access Management) is your state-wide professional organization dedicated to promoting excellence in the management of patient access services in all areas of the healthcare delivery system. If your responsibilities include admissions, registration, patient finance, up-front collections, pre-certification, guest relations or other related services, you will benefit from the many resources and networking abilities provided through SCAHAM offers.

Mission Statement

Committed to promoting excellence in the management of patient access services in healthcare delivery. The Association provides timely, accessible and meaningful education and interactive networking opportunities in a dynamic environment.


  • To enhance the profession of patient access services management
  • To provide educational resources and professional growth opportunities
  • To promote local, regional and national relationships for the interchange of ideas and dissemination of material relative to patient access services management
  • To foster positive relations with allied healthcare associates
  • To provide a mechanism for the accreditation of members and a maintenance program thereto via the NAHAM Accreditation Program.

NAHAM Affiliate Chapter

SCAHAM is an affiliate chapter of NAHAM (National Association of Healthcare Access Management). NAHAM is headquartered in Washington DC, where it serves the national interests of its members and acts as a central clearinghouse and resource center. Close proximity to key decision makers within the legislative and executive branches gives NAHAM ready access to government resources. NAHAM advocates fair and ethical public healthcare policies that recognize the intrinsic value, dignity and importance of all individuals. Through its broad membership network and extensive selection of technical information, NAHAM assists state, local and regional patient access associations in offering unmatched opportunities for continuing education, professional growth, creativity, and personal achievement.

Join SCAHAM For Valuable Educational and Career Support

Increase your professionalism, improve your skills and enhance your knowledge with:

  • The Certified Healthcare Access Manager (CHAM) Credentialing Program- A supervised examination program for defining the standards healthcare access management must meet.
  • The Certified Healthcare Access Associate (CHAA) Examination- A supervised examination for refining the knowledge and skills of the healthcare access associate.
  • An Annual National Educational Conference and Exposition, with work groups and committees.
  • Stay informed – keep on top of the latest regulations and guidelines affecting patient access matters.